Inspire your work

This week the newsletter focuses on the third step in our practice of living richly during challenging times: putting aside thoughts of past and future and engaging with now.

How are you going with the previous steps? How is your rest? And how are you feeling? Where have you noticed richness in your life in the last week?

As another week of COVID-19 related limitations ticks by, life can seem repetitive and dull, especially with our access to different surroundings and activities curtailed....


It seems that this newsletter’s topic is even more timely with the easing of restrictions in a number of places. According to research into human isolation – think space stations and Antarctic posts – these actions can mentally move us into a ‘third quarter’ of isolation. This ‘quarter’ is relative in time to the expected total isolation period and is characterized by ‘emotional outbursts, aggressiveness and rowdy behaviour’.

Yet we’re likely not even half way, with political and public health leaders reminding us that restrictions are likely to be in place for many more months to manage the risk of a ‘second wave’.


What did you learn over the last week or two by reflecting on what adds meaning to your life? And how did the practice affect your energy levels and your mood?

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed our daily lives and within a short space of time. Many people feel anxious and stressed about health, loved ones, financial and economic survival now and in the future.